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Counting from 11 to the Hundreds in Hokkien

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This is the second part to my previous post about counting from 0 to 10 in Hokkien. Make sure you know all the Hokkien words from 0 to 10 first before you go through this lesson!

Take a look at my previous post here:

Counting from 11 to the Hundreds in Hokkien

11 to 19 → Cap + ...

10 is Cap in Hokkien, and to say any number from 11 to 19, all you have to do is to add a number from 1 to 9 behind it.

e.g. Cap-it / 十一 / Eleven
e.g. Cap-sa / 十三 / Thirteen
e.g. Cap-go / 十五 / Fifteen

20 to 99 → ... + Cap + ...

Counting up to 99 in Hokkien involves basically combining what you already know from 1 to 10—there are no new words to remember.

Let's skip the theory and let's take a look at some examples instead.

  • Ji-cap / 二十 / Twenty
  • Sa-cap / 三十 / Thirty
  • Si-cap / 四十 / Forty
  • Go-cap / 五十 / Fifty
  • Lak-cap / 六十 / Sixty
  • Chit-cap / 七十 / Seventy
  • Pueh-cap / 八十 / Eighty
  • Kau-cap / 九十 / Ninety

e.g. Ji-cap-go / 二十五 / Twenty-five
e.g. Sa-cap-chit / 三十七 / Thirty-seven
e.g. Si-cap-kau / 四十九 / Forty-nine

In Medan Hokkien, sometimes the Hokkien words of 20, 40, 70, 80 are contracted to simplify pronunciation:
20, Ji-cap, becomes Jiap
40, Si-cap, becomes Siap
70, Chit-cap, becomes Chiap
80, Pueh-cap, becomes Piap

e.g. Jiap-ji / 二十二 / Twenty-two
e.g. Siap-lak / 四十六 / Forty-six
e.g. Chiap-pueh / 七十八 / Seventy-eight
e.g. Piap-it / 八十一 / Eighty-one

Counting Hundreds → ... + Pah

The word for "hundred" in Hokkien is: Pah / 百 / Hundred.

e.g. Ch-pah / 一百 / One hundred
e.g. Sa-pah / 三百 / Three hundred
e.g. Go-pah / 五百 / Five hundred

To count, let's say, 353, you will have put together what you have learned so far:

= 300 + 50 + 3
= Sa-pah + Go-cap + Sa

Your Turn

Try reading these numbers in Hokkien. Feel free to write it out in the comment section below!

  • 29
  • 73
  • 168
  • 645
  • 999

Learn to Count in Hokkien